About Me

saltnchili_grace5I am Grace, a Chinese-Canadian living in Hong Kong since 2003. So, I’m writing this blog from the city that is not only well-known to be a shopping paradise, but also known for the diversity in food culture.

I wouldn’t call myself a foodie, but I do think about food a lot. I am always trolling the web and flipping through cooking magazines and books looking for recipes to try out. Eating out is also a big part of my food experience, and my husband and I enjoy trying the different restaurants in Hong Kong.

Why I decided to start this blog? By all means, I’m not a chef nor am I a qualified food critic, but I was hoping this blog will help me explore my creative side and allow me to share my passion for food with you.

If you have any comments or feedback, I would love you to leave me a comment or send me an email via the contact link.